A girl with God and a lot of yeses in the middle

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Thanksgiving always comes and goes like a moment that was there and then wasn't.  You buy a lot of food, cook a lot of food, eat a lot of food, and then pack up a lot of food.  This year was special for me.  In November 2011 I will most likely be on a small Caribbean island eating rice and chicken with 7 other really special people.  These are the people I'm going to Haiti with.  I don't know them well, but I love them deeply.  They make me laugh, they pray for me when I'm experiencing deep pain, and they will fight with me to see God's goodness in the land of the living.  Here are my new friends.
From left to right, me, Ronnie, Kate, Monique, Melaney
Katie, Haven, and Jason

We, meaning I, really don't like this photo but it's all I have right now.  We'll take a new picture on a day I feel prettier.  Because well, I'm pretty. They are one of the things I am most excited about when it comes to this new journey.  We laugh hard when we get together and we're going to need it on the battle field.

After the holiday, here are a few things I'm thankful for.
  • Jesus; He is my best friend, and he will always be with me.
  • The fact that I sat at a table today with tons of people and we laughed.  Not fought, laughed.
  • Waco; it may be known for some crazy stuff, but the nations are being changed by a small group of people who keep saying yes to Jesus.
  • My sisters; We love each other a lot.  They make me a better person.
  • My Dad; He is a man of integrity and joy.  He is so joyful he makes himself laugh at himself.
  • My Mom; she has literally been second since the day I was born.  She always gave up first place for me and my sisters.
  • My cousins; they are awesome and really more like brothers and sisters.
  • The season of life I am in.  I'm not sure I've ever felt as raw as I do now, but the Holy Spirit is oh so near and oh so safe.  Risking with him is easy; he always catches you.
  • Adventure; my life could be really boring, but it is definitely not.
  • The church.
This semester has been nothing less than a roller coaster of emotions.  I mean, I am moving away.  I've never really done that.  The body of Jesus, the church, has been by my side.  On days when I just need to cry like really, really hard, and on days where all I want to do is go to a football game, the body has been there.  It functions oh so beautifully when it's people do what they were created to do.  I love my church, and I love the church.  I don't ever want to do anything alone, and not just because I'm extroverted.  Thank you friends and family for being the church.  Thank you for coming along side me during high days and low days.  You bring me deeper healing.

Well it's no longer Thanksgiving, like technically it's not anymore, so I'm going to bed.  Tomorrow I will live life and life to the full again because He is the best.

I unashamedly ask for comments again


  1. I love the season of life that you are in - it helps me see God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) more clearly. I like the raw, unhinderedness.

    Comment from JC. Check.

  2. Hi Amanda - You're bomb. And about the pretty thing...I feel like every time I've seen you the past weeks, I'm struck by how beautiful you are. There's something different, something new, something that's emerging from the inside out. Didn't get a chance to tell you that after Encounter. But I was thinking it. Man, I love you! You the best!!

    And I've already thought about visiting you... Seriously.
